Wednesday, March 25, 2009

SSSS's $ saving tips

These are my random money saving tips, for which I use and live by, I will add more as I go..

1. Use coupons! I get my coupons from coupon websites, manufacturer websites, and the Sunday paper (if I see something really good in the Sunday paper, I buy 2-3 more)
2. Clip every single coupon, whether or not you will buy the product, because there may come a time when it would be SILLY for you not to buy it.
3. Read up on your store's coupon policies. Eg: the Piggly Wiggly in my area will NOT accept any sort of computer generated coupon, and Wal-Mart only accepts one per trip!
4. Pair your coupons with items on sale to maximize savings.
5. Bring store ads to Wal-Mart for price matching.
6. Use 2 coupons on Buy 1 Get 1 Free items @ Publix.
7. At Publix, if there's a B1G1 promotion, you don't have to buy 2 items! You can just buy one item for half price.
8. Buy the Entertainment Book for your city -- often you can find free oil changes, grocery store coupons (in the Bham book, there are MANY $5 off $25 and $5 off $50 coupons for the Pig and Publix
9. As you're being rung up at the store, watch the monitor to make sure you're being charged the right amount.
10. As you shop, always look at the "cost per oz," and make sure you're getting your money's worth. EG if the 10 oz is 2.6 cents per oz, and the 14 oz is 2.0 cents per oz, buy the 14 oz!
11. Don't be afraid of store brands - if the ingredients are the same, buy the store brand!
12. Visit Big Lots and Dollar General for limited grocery items and big selection of cleaning products!

25 Things About Me

1. I was born in South Africa, where my father worked for the State Dept. as an engineer
2. I was raised Baptist, however I attended a Catholic high school
3. I played soccer in high school, and I was the worst player on the team
4. I am unable to have children, and it haunts me everyday
5. Cooking is one of my biggest passions.
6. The only sport I like is NASCAR, I even participate in a fantasy league
7. My college friends and I aren't very close anymore because we're all in such different places in our lives
8. I would love to get married and have babies, whether by adoption or surrogacy
9. I have over 110 blogs in my Google reader, and I felt like too much of a stalker, always reading, never commenting so I have created this :)
10. The beach is one of my favorite places
11. I hate cold weather
12. I drive an 8 cylinder Toyota 4Runner, and I just love the power..
13. I consider myself to be a Libertarian
14. True Religions are my favorite brand of jeans, but I need to lose some weight before I can fit back into them
15. I try to eat things that are organic, or at least all natural
16. I am new at the art of "couponing"
17. I never thought I would be working for a construction firm, but I love it
18. Before I took the construction job, I worked for a successful hedge fund in client relations, and it was a miserable experience
19. I despise political correctness
20. I need to put more effort into making friends
21. I try not to drink anymore
22. I watch Cops, America's Most Wanted, and 48 Hrs. Mystery every Saturday night if I am able
22. I am a control freak
23. I am also a clean freak
24. I have a guy that cares a lot for me, I have kept him at bay for too long, he has been nothing but patient and loving, and he is coming to visit me soon
25. I love celebrity gossip
Does anyone know how to make a blog roll? :) Also, please let me know you're here with a comment!

EDIT: I figured it out!

First post

I am a luddite, so creating this blog took some effort on my part. I will hopefully become better at this as time progresses. I have been out of town for work for weeks now, so I have not been doing much shopping - esp grocery, which is my favorite. When I am at home, I look forward to every Sunday where I first go to Publix to buy B1G1s as well as use my penny coupon. I then make my way over to Wal-Mart to buy things I couldn't at Publix. I never buy things there that aren't on sale, I just can't justify the extra cost.

I will leave you with my favorite websites, mostly pertaining to saving $: (have to check out the sale ads every week!) (J. Crew is my favorite store, and I used to spend thousands, but now I do not buy a thing unless it is on sale) ($25 GC for $10!) (LOVE my coupon book) (WONDERFUL for online shopping) (designer brands at fraction of the cost!)